Call us for Free Estimates and In-Home Inspections!

503-538-3992 or Toll-Free at 800-328-2847


Selling a Home?

If you're in the process of purchasing a home, at the very least be sure to perform a Pest and Dry Rot Inspection. This inspection consists of looking inside, outside and most importantly, under your home to determine if there is a pest and/or dry rot problem, or if there are any conditions that are conducive to them.

Buying a Home?

If you're selling your home, do NOT assume that the inspection is the responsibility or the problem of the buyer. If you want to avoid unexpected delays in the sale of your home (and possible sale-failure), have an inspection performed now, and have peace of mind later.

Refinancing a Home?

Are you in the process of refinancing your home ? If your mortgage broker, lender, or banking institution hasn't already requested an inspection, don't worry, they will... Have an inspection performed now, and avoid delays.

Peace of Mind

Undoubtedly your home is your single largest and most important investment. We recommended that a yearly inspection be performed under your home by a Pest Control inspection specialist.


If the home is under 30 years of age the cost is $150.00 if it's over 30 years the cost is $150.00 (plus). There is no charge for re-inspections. (A re-inspection is needed after any repairs or treatments are done.)